[*] About

What is Security BSides?

BSides, a series of community-driven gatherings, offers an informal and inclusive alternative to mainstream security events. Organized by local cybersecurity communities, these occasions provide a platform for professionals and enthusiasts to share knowledge, discuss trends, collaborate, and network in various cybersecurity domains, such as penetration testing, incident response, threat intelligence, secure development, and privacy.

Who Organizes BSides Vilnius?

We are a group of local infosec enthusiasts who dedicate their time and efforts to bring the security community together by organizing BSides Vilnius events. We operate under the Lithuanian non-profit organization "BSides Vilnius". We don't receive any salaries and all our efforts are based on volunteering.

Our team currently consists of:

  • Dominykas Vaitkus (Security Consultant @ Truesec)
  • Kajus Šeštokas (Blogger @ kajus.io; Senior Security Engineer @ Flo Health)
  • Neringa Macijauskaitė (Junior Information Security Researcher @ Cybernews)
  • Roberta Matulėnaitė (Ethical Hacker)
  • Tomas Beinaravičius (Advisense)
  • Vytautas Krakauskas (Security & Privacy engineering @ Vinted)

Contact Information

BSides Vilnius, VšĮ
Address: Labdarių g. 8A-17, LT-01120 Vilnius
Company code: 306645637
Email: [email protected]
Bank account (IBAN): LT257300010182999612
Bank name: "Swedbank", AB

Social Media

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If you are interested in becoming a valued sponsor and contributing to the growth and development of the BSides Vilnius security community, please reach out to us via email: info [at] bsidesvilnius.lt. Please note that a new "invitation to support document" is currently being prepared. We are open to discussions about custom sponsorship packages or collaboration ideas.


If you are interested in volunteering, get in touch via Discord or email to see if there is any help needed at the moment.

Code of Conduct

Please see the Code of Conduct page for our code of conduct.

Privacy Policy

Please see the Privacy Policy page for our cookies and privacy policy.

VšĮ Ataskaitų Dokumentai